Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Cynic's inc.

So many things in the news this week it’s hard to pick what to talk about. Let’s start with the obvious: North Korea. Apparently Dr. Evil has accepted to shut down a nuclear reactor in exchange for energy guaranties. I don’t know about you dear reader but that sounds furiously close to the deal hashed out under Bill “I didn’t inhale” Clinton. Deal, which you may remember, was much maligned by the conservatives as being weak. The way I understand this, but I am not very bright, is that it took the current administration six years to get back to the same point Clinton had arrived at. If you read this, unlikely, and know what makes those two agreements intrinsically different please enlighten me.
If you listened to the President’s news conference this morning you probably noticed that he was in a cheerful mood. He didn’t seem to understand that people might not take the administration at its word when it presents information linking EIDs to Iran. Maybe, just maybe, the American public is remembering something about WMDs in another Middle Eastern country that we used to like but don’t anymore. I know this is crazy talk.
Finally I stumbled upon this blog a few weeks ago. It’s a milblog (Dear Lord can’t you save me from neologisms?) but the author, an army officer, is actually quite handy with his pen. I would even say that the first posting of his that I read is material for a literary journal. The poetic rhythm of his prose and sparseness of language powerfully translated his emotions about the death of a colleague. The blog does have its faults. The man is writing in order to support the war not to bring an impartial picture of it. He does have rants that border on the right-wing nut. Especially when it comes down to the mass media. Sometimes he seems justified, others not so. One of his latest entries falls under the latter part. He complains that media outlets got the ranks of some KIA soldiers wrong. Let me ask this simple question: where do you think the reporters found their information? Being that I know a little bit about reporting, I would say reporters either received a press release from the parent unit with the KIAs info or called the parent unit after being alerted of the deaths. In either case, the information must have come from an admin clerk, hence the problem with accuracy in my book. (Admin: the people who underpaid me last summer and haven’t fixed it yet!) Instead of calmly looking at the facts and realizing that some private fucked up, the blogger goes into another tirade about the mainstream media. Does it make sense to you dear reader? It doesn’t to me but I am just a stupid, enlisted jarhead.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll see your North Korea cynicism and raise it thusly:

Ultimately, whatever deal we just reached with NK will fail, because our boy Kim will only keep it so long as he feels like it, and then he'll come up with some other outrageous way to extort the rest of us for something. It's how he's always worked. I'm fairly convinced that the only way that's ever going to end is Kim dead or ROK troops in Pyongyang. It bothers me that I keep thinking that invading North Korea would actually be doing it a favor.

I guess it strikes me as odd that people wouldn't believe Bush, despite the fact that he is who he is, about Iran and IEDs. It's not exactly news that Iran sponsers terrorism, or that they don't really like us.

Some things, to quote Thomas Friedman and despite the WMD thing, are true even if George W. Bush believes them.

Your milblogger can write, he can. I imagine I'll be reading more of him. That aside, a few comments on your assessment.

I wonder, being a civilian but a longtime reader of both milblogs and military memoirs, if it is at all possible to be involved that closely in a war and have an impartial view of it, as opposed to a good or bad one. Certainly everything I can remember reading is strongly one way or the other, sometimes even very far in retrospect.

Too, I've noticed that your milblog population as a collective has a serious hate on for the media. Some of it's silly, or close to it (the rank thing, perhaps), and some of it actually has a point behind it, so far as I can tell.

That point is that you hear a lot in the media about people dying or US troops doing unethical stuff or whatever, but you never hear about schools getting built, or terrorists arrested (unless it's to make a self-fulfilling prophecy about "Now it's going to get all better! ...oh wait it didn't. Quagmire!"

And while I'm not saying they're entirely right, I think there IS a point there.

I think I've got a larger talk on the subject floating around, but this is getting pretty long.

9:52 PM  
Blogger Sgt. B. said...

Good point on NK. I think that the most helpful would be for Kim to die and have an upheaval to follow. That way the country would hopefully turn into a democracy and we couldn't be blamed for the loss of lives during the build up.
On the IEDs I didn't deny Iran's involvement I simply stated that the average Joe is probably not inclined in believing POTUS at this time.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

9:34 AM  

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