Monday, February 20, 2006

Electricity, turkeys, and hot water

The power went out during my Media Effects class the other day. Our professor first had the look of a turkey looking around, craning his neck. After a call to facility services we got to see him jumping up to the projector affixed to the ceiling in order to hit the “Red Button.” He eventually chose to climb on a chair, not an easy feat for a man who suffers from vertigo. It's hard to tell whether he was serious or just making more dead-panan jokes through his demeanor.
Asides from that life has been going on as usual. I did swim 1900 yards this morning. I finally understood what the instructor meant by the water is too hot in the Women's Building. I had to get out after a mile and cool off for a minute.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

060202 Super glue and night editing

the soles of my trusted climbing shoes have been slowly coming off. So after talking with the friendly REI sales rep (Free plug for a store that will take ANY returns.) I decided to follow his advice and just super glue the spots that were coming undone. Yeah, right. I wasn't done opening the brand-new tube that I already had fingers sticking to one another. Then on the first squeeze I dropped some on my right thigh. Needless to say by the time I got done five of my fingers were sporting significant amounts of the miracle product. Lessons to be learned: 1) don't super glue things on your laps while wearing nylon shorts, 2) less is more. After this incredible insight I will go back to our regularly schedule night editing.