Monday, July 03, 2006


No, I haven’t suddenly become an expert in old school rap music and if you were expecting some insight in the lyrics of the band you will be sorely disappointed. My subject is Northwest Airlines. I recently took a trip to the East Coast for a Marine Corps seminar and flew NWA. On the second leg of the journey east the weather was not exactly with us and after circling around Richmond for a little while the pilot came on the intercom.
[Pilot] Yeah, we just lost our radar so we’re going to land in Pittsburgh because the weather here is just too bad.
[Passenger’s-thoughts] shit.
Upon arrival in Pittsburg
[Pilot] Yeah, we lost –half a dozen instruments are named- before loosing the radar for the second time so we decided it would be safer to land in Pittsburg.
No, really?
The result of this is that I landed fiver hours late in Richmond. The best is still to come.
Not having anything special to do on Friday I decided to head to the airport right after breakfast because I figured I could sit and read there as well as in my motel room, and I wouldn’t have to worry about security being slow and all that. Well, the plane was 45 minutes late so that when I landed in Detroit my connecting flight was already gone. I requested to be put on standby for the following (and last) flight of the day but unfortunately everyone showed up and I got stuck in Detroit for the night. Thankfully because it was due to their own mistake (some kind of maintenance issue had forced the first plane to be late) NWA put me up at a Hilton in Detroit. Moral of the story, don’t fly on 4th of July weekend.