Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Last straight line

6 1/2 days left. I can do it.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Grad update, I need FR 213

Alright, so I was "missing" a French 213 with a C+ or better class. It didn't come through the advising office that I am a native speaker. After all I only tested out of 400 level French classes. Clearly I needed to take a lower division course in it. Turns out that as usual in bureaucracies my challenge test results had been ... lost. Thankfully the foreign language chair, Dr. Krause, readily accepted my claim that I am a native speaker and waived the requirement. The anguish caused by this event probably took a good year out of my top end. Seriously, FR 213...

Monday, May 15, 2006

Graduation update: W.T.F.!

Phone message from the registrar office found after work: "I am looking at your audit and you seem to be missing one class." To which I have to say W.T.F. Why didn't my advisor say something when we met earlier this term? I guess we need to have a little heart to heart talk about this. Warning: pissed off Jarrhead coming your way...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Graduation and shooting

Four and a half weeks left. What can I say? I am actually looking forward to graduating. I do enjoy attending classes and learning new stuff. Yet I am very tired of the current pace at which my life is set. Work, school, drill. It does not leave me much time to rest. Speaking of drill last weekend was a little better than usual. We went to the range. I think I need to get glasses. I had to count the targets in order to figure out which one was mine. I couldn’t read the big ass numbers. I ended up putting a bull’s eye on the target next to mine. It cost me my sharpshooter badge.