Friday, April 27, 2007


I just broke a molar while eating chocolate. I brush two to three times a day. I floss. I just went to the dentist and everything was all right. I don't understand. At least it doesn't hurt so far. Knock on wood. My desk is particle board, does it count?


Monday, April 16, 2007


I am sick in quarters today. I went to work this morning and asked for the rest of the day off after morning route. I could barely concentrate on the road and traffic. I am feeling a little better now thanks to the ginger-lemon tea. (And a healthy helping of honey.)


Sunday, April 08, 2007

A happy man

This is what a happy man looks like. Tennis elbow has settled in because of Ju Jitsu a week ago so we are going to have to lay off the arms for a while. Yes, cleaning the bike was a bitch.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Here comes the sun

It's a beautiful day today, 25c. Roads were clogged but I am home now and I will go and enjoy the weather. Did I mention it is slightly breezy?
