Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Ah camping at Smith Rock, the fresh air of the mountains, the bbqs, the long evenings sitting in front of a fire drinking beer, the woman a few tents over orgasming loudly at 0700. I tell you there is nothing like it.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007


This is my rant about politicos. I go to city council meetings as part of my job. I get the packet (all the measures they will vote on, detailed budget, etc) before each meeting and I read it. Yes it's dry. Yes it's boring. Yes it's what my employer pays me for.
What never ceases to baffle me is that some council members obviously don't. Let me repeat this: it's painfully obvious that not all councilors read the information given to them before their meetings. There is no way in hell they would ask such stupid questions otherwise. On a related matter, even someone who has never read Robert's rules should be able to pick up the simpler parts just by attending the meetings, and not repeat the same mistake over and over again. It's not that hard councilor...
The bottom line: when you vote for people, go and watch how they perform, because if they are idiots, maybe, just maybe you shouldn't vote for them again.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Breakfast of champions

Three eggs sunny side up, with olive ciabatta to dip in the runny yokes and a cup of mocha. Granted those made my morning swim a lot more challenging...
