Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Freedom and laundry

As many people like to say the U.S. is a free country. Granted, most of them don't have the first clue on what that freedom implies and are incapable of separating it from material objects. This is beside the scope of tonight's rant tough. I simply wish the neighbor upstairs would realize that her/his/it freedom of doing laundry stops at about 8 p.m. I seriously don't need to hear her/his/it wash-machine spin-drying half-way through the night. I hope you all appreciated how touchy-feely I was on that one. Sur ce, bonne nuit!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The sun is back

The title of this post should suffice in explainig the recent perk in my mood. Nothing quite like bbq and hanging out on the patio.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Adventures in Newspapering

So we worked at the paper last night. All was well until I pointed out to our esteemed Sports editor that a jump was wrong. Turns out that the jump is right. The entire sports page was wrong. Good times followed. People freaking out. Angry phone calls from the printer. I suggested the sacrificing of a virgin reporter to appease the gods of journalism but the idea didn’t seem to gain much traction outside of the editorial board. The end result? I got to bed at 1 a.m. I got up at my regular 6 a.m. and treated myself to fried eggs which considering that I have a 0800 swim class was not my brightest idea.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Hooray for more tax returns

The feds sent me money. This is good. The sun is starting to poke out of the clouds. This is even better! Now if the GI Bill could only send me my backpay it would be best.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hooray for tax returns

Seriously there is nothing better than money coming a poor student's way. It hasn't put me back in the black yet but it's a good start.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

2966 Miles

Yeah, I know I have been writing much lately. I spent spring break road tripping with my buddies Laurent and Thomas. The three of us fit in my little three-door hatchback, and at night in my two-men tent. Quite a feat when you consider that Laurent is 2 meters tall (6 foot 6 almost 6’7”) and that we drove 2966 miles over a period of eight days.
I would recommend all of you to go camping on the Californian Coast south of San Francisco. It’s a wonderful place and even in March the temperature does not drop too much at night.