Saturday, January 27, 2007

Starship Troopers

I just made a big mistake. A really big mistake. No one should ever watch a movie after reading the book. Occasionally the filmmaker reinterprets the book and it’s all right. Think Peter Jackson with The Lord of the Rings. He cut where it was needed to improve the transition for the screen. In the case of Starship Troopers Paul Verhoeven got it all wrong.
1 The weapons were way cooler in the book
2 The troopers move in a tactical environment like a mob on the National Mall
3 The training sequences are so unrealistic they are laughable
4 The actors are incapable of barking orders
5 The storyline was changed at multiple points but no improvement was made
a) Women in the infantry?
b) Where are the armored suits? Humans can’t just breathe anywhere
c) The love interests?
d) Shooting your buddies instead of bringing them back?
e) The teacher is a retired trooper, he is way too fucking old to be a Lt.
6 Professional soldiers don’t shoot up in the air to celebrate. That is what undisciplined swine do.
I rarely bother to trash a movie but this one deserved it. My five cents: save yourself $3.75 and buy the book instead.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


There is snow in Portland today! We are about to venture in it. Smart? Hell no!!

Friday, January 12, 2007


We now are moved to the big city, with the exception of a handful of boxes still unpacked. The apartment does have great views and is probably the nicest place we have lived in. It even has an industrial strength toilet. When you press the handle to flush you can feel the recoil in your finger! It sounds as if you were firing an air pistol. Anyway, time to go to work.

Friday, January 05, 2007

6 minutes

That is the time it took the Willamette Week to let me know that they were looking for somebody with a different range of experience. I wonder if he even bothered to read the clips.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Three more days

Three more days and we will be all moved in the "big city." I can hardly wait.